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Yoga by the Acropolis View

Posted by moodhacker on November 11, 2018 at 6:05 AM

Lynn is from San Francisco and moved to Athens in 2012. She instantly fell in Love with the city and decided to bring her own love for yoga to the Athenians and Athens' visitors. She started offering Kundalini Yoga lessons throughout different spots of the city, but the roof of the Acropolis became the hit. Most of her lessons are in the form of a bid, that is, everyone gives any amount of money she can and wants. "Yoga at its core is a technique associated with enlightenment and consciousness. When it came from the East to the West, most of the elements of the "enlightenment" were lost, resulting in much of the yoga we do today being more focused on physical elements rather than on spiritual practice. Kundalini yoga is the form of yoga that places great emphasis on breathing and meditation, and brings the person closer to the traditional goals of yoga. Its purpose is to help the person to the awakening stage which leads to the minful conciousness of living a life as a whole In addition to the forms of exercise, Lynns also teaches the Enneagram, a character system that helps you discover yourself and those around you. Information about Lynn on For more choices of Yoga lessons with the view of Acropolis you can also follow the Moksha Yoga Center at Monastiraki

Vinyasa Flow all levels with Konstantinos Siozios

There is also available the Yoga on the Roof school, by lessons taking place at PNIKA and at the yoga studios, Kallisperi &Erexhteioy Street next to Acropolis Metro, Special Yoga lessons and practise for pregnant women are also included


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