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Who stepped first on red carpet?

He was Greek. A King . And the Red Carpet Ritual was roled out by his Loving Wife for his Victory Welcome after Trojan war. Then she killed him. In the ancient Greek play Oresteia , Clytemnistra rolls out a carpet in honor of her husband, King Agamemnon, as he returns victorious from the Trojan war.

The carpet may have been purple rather than red, although there are conflicting views on the archaeologists' studies . In the ancient Greek tragedy written by Aeschylus, she plays the loving, waiting wife who attempts to persuade Agamemnon to step on a red tapestry or carpet to walk into “his” palace as a true returning conqueror. For the religious Principles of Ancient Greece, though, the carpet ritual could indicate to the Gods the scale of arrogance , and indignity , the "hybris" that the human Agamemnon could have reached as a result of his victory . Hybris was considered to provoke the anger of the gods.

Eventually, Clytemnestra does persuade Agamemnon to cross the tapestry to enter the oikos, the home

After Agamemnon’ steps on the carpet, Clytemnistra murders him - In modern times the red carpet is synonymous to the most of glam , and showbiz glory, the Oscar night , but as well to other, more commercial and less VIP settings such as with entertainment awards, glamour and visiting VIPs, but just why is it we use a red carpet?No-one seems absolutely sure of the origin, but like so many aspects of our culture and even science it has been suggested that it goes all the way back to ancient Greece and the classical play Agamemnon. One way or another this fable passed down through centuries with the purple fading to a plain deep red which only the most important members of society were to walk on. Railroads seem to have really commercialised the practice commonly rolling out red carpets on platforms to direct passengers to the correct portion of the train just as many hotels will run red carpets from the pavement into their lobbies for arriving guests, Vip's and non ... By moodhacker Greek to me !


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