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The sustainable lab of nature of the beauty mud

Posted by moodhacker on October 4, 2018 at 6:40 PM

Every year, the Krinides mud baths near the Greek city of Kavala attract thousands of visitors who take a dip in the clay for its healing qualities. They mostly come to treat dermatological disorders, Anastasia Iosifidou, president of the organisation that manages the baths, tells me. She adds: "But people also take baths here to treat musculoskeletal disorders and rheumatic or cardiovascular diseases." There's a thermal hot spring near the mud baths, and a special machine mixes this water with the soil on the bottom of the baths and clay from nearby natural sources. That results in this soothing, healing, 27 degree Celsius chocolate mousse for people to float around in. Visitors shower with thermal water before they dive in the mud – where they'll muck about for about half an hour. After coming out, they let the medicinal clay dry for a couple of minutes before completing the day's therapy session with another thermal spring shower. A visit costs €6 (about £5) and comprehensive treatment lasts 15 to 20 days – depending on the doctor's orders. The abundant mineral waters that spring in the area were used since the roman times. A vault­ed Byzantine bath is saved in a relatively good condition. Therapeutic indications: rheumatisms, arthritis, diseases of the urinary canal, liver, bile ducts. A hydrotherapy clinic operates with group and pri­vate baths, hostels and restauran George Patoulis Konstantinos Kouskoukis Mud and thermal spring. The magnificent prop­erties of mud are known in the area at least from the end of the previous century, as evidenced by the existence of an old building saved near the baths. Therapeutic indications: rheumatopathy, gyne­cological diseases, skin diseases, use as a cos­metic preparation. Uric arthritis, nephrolithia-sis, eczema, skin inflammations, dermatopathy The mud Baths of Krinides are located 18 km away from Kavala on the road to Drama. Clay and thermal springs: The amazing qualities of mud are well known in the region since late 19th century at the latest, as demonstrates an old building still standing near the spas. The mud has therapeutic effects for chronic rheumatic conditions, gynaecological conditions, skin problems, gouty arthritis, kidney stones, eczema, skin inflammations and chronic skin conditions. The mud can also be used on the skin in the place of a cosmetic product. For information about the clay-therapy facilities, please call 2510 516162, 518088 or visit


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