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The Miracle three Cretan Herbs that Keep #Cold&Flu away

Posted by moodhacker on November 8, 2016 at 4:40 AM

Perennial tests and researches revealed that a mix of essential oils from three specific Cretan herbs which you can find all over walking on the Cretan land , prevent by long wise tradition Cretan inhaitans from falling ill from flu or cold during the winter, since they consume these herbs as daily beverage

  • Sage (salvia fruticosa),

  • thyme (coridothymus capitatus) and

  • burning bush (origanum dictamus),

in specific proportions, the internationally published research found,

  • along with extra virgin olive oil

with synergistic function, contribute naturally to empowerment the body's defense. (Go to our recent olive oil article for anti-cancer properties, and its therapeutical usage in ancietn times ) Based othis study , scientists for the Cretan university created a food supplement with proved immune strengthening properties, The researchers at the University of Crete in Greece, combined the three popular Cretan aromatic herbs that have traditionally kept Cretans away from flu and cold throughout the years, in a supplement based on the studied consumption proportions which has been released on the international market under the name CRETAN IAMA. The supplement in capsule form is produced in Greece by the Swiss Galenica and is available at pharmacies as a food supplement.

Cretan diktamo: “Díktamo” is an endemic herb of Crete called “Erontas” or “stomach herb”. It is known since ancient times and was used in the cure of stomach ache and the healing of wounds, as it is mentioned by Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine. It is said that when the wild animals are injured, they rub their sore on the plant and it is healed right away. “Díktamo” grows on steep slopes and cliffs, so its collection is quite dangerous. It grows and is collected during the summer months. Today, we drink it mainly as a beverage but it is also used in making other beverages. It is one of the most popular Cretan herbs, with excellent flavor. It flowers in May and June with purple-blue flowers. It is known since antiquity for its medical properties. It is used in cooking to flavor various dishes, mainly meat. The Research Professor of Medicine at the University of Crete Christos Lionis and his research team have developed an oil extract consisting of

  • dittany or Erontas (Origanum dictamnus),

  • thyme and

  • sage,

which are widely known for their beneficial impact on the human body. Their research, which has been ongoing for around 15 years was originally mentioned in the Lancet medical journal in 1999. In a recent article entitled “Reporting effectiveness of an extract of three traditional Cretan herbs on upper respiratory tract infection: results from a double-blind randomized controlled trial,” that was published in the International Journal of Ethnopharmacology this year, Professor Lionis and his team bolstered the effects of the aforementioned herbs and expanded their effectiveness in the preprevention and treatment of respiratory infections, such as the common cold and the flu. In golden capsules ,Cretan Iama ,the fruit of years of research by the distinguished researchers from the University of Crete in cooperation with Olvos, converted the indigenous knowledge into substantial knowledge.

Thyme - Cretan herbs: It grows in June and July, has blue flowers and is an important bee plant. “Thyme” honey is considered the finest in Crete. It has antiseptic, diuretic, anti-parasitic and anti-pyretic properties. Its oil is used also in toothpastes. “Thymári” is a great ingredient of many traditional Cretan dishes. Product ingreditents and medicinal properties : This product belongs to food supplements has been shown by a study of researchers from the University of Crete which was published in the prestigious international biomedical journal Lancet, that has a beneficial effect on upper respiratory tract infections

  • Dittany: Healing properties

  • Sage: multidrug with multiple health benefits

  • Thyme: medicinal plant, using as antibiotic (before modern antibiotics)

Recommended dose :2 Soft capsules daily Do not exceed the recommended dose Pregnant, lactating and people who are under medication should first consult their physician before using Cretan Iama

Endemic to Crete and growing only on steep rocks is Cretan dittany, Origanum dictamnus, and diktamo or erontas (Love), in Greek. It is a herb with a long story, famous since antiquity.. It is a beautiful, slender plant, clinging to the rocks.. A lot of myths surround this plant.. Aristotle tells, that the goats would seek it when they have been shot, and that eating the herb, the arrow would be driven out of the wound. Hippokratis prescribed dittany for stomach aches and digestive problems


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