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The Healing Through Years Unique Lesvos Thermal Spas

Posted by moodhacker on June 23, 2017 at 1:25 AM

A significant increase of visitors of 8% was recorded during the last year in the country's thermal spring baths accoring to the relevant announcement made in the framework of the Research Center "Spas and Lakes" of the National Center for Social Research (EKKE) , which marks 2016 as the best year of the last five. 2012- 16 for the thermal springs of Greece, by the northern Aegean Sea region thermal spas and especially the the operating units of Lesvos, recording an upward trend of 65.1% during this period. More specifically, according to the data, the increase in thermal spas of Greece visits was observed in all regions of Greece last year compared to the period since 2012, by the highest noticed in the northern Aegean Thermal spas units, an increase of 65,1%, ncreaby the mostly visited being the operation units in Lesvos and mainly the Therma spring of the Gulf Geras, those in Ikaria and Chios, while all of the three islands' units are of Municipal management companies.. Huge growth potential The mineral form of spa treatments are a dynamically developing economic sector worldwide and Greece has all the prerequisites to play a leading role. The extraordinary number of spas of unique mineral composition, that offer thermal treatment solutions to a whole range of therapies, combined with the excellent Greek bioclima,the natural beauty, the Mediterranean diet, rich cultural and historical heritage, and the development of a spa tourism strategy, can be promote coordinated the "tourism of the four seasons", promoted by the Ministry of Tourism with multiple benefits. In 2016, with the legislative initiative of the Ministry of Tourism, a chronic problem was solved, which was a brake on the development of thermal tourism, the separation in classification of the natural outflows of the thermal facilities from any form of sewage. Thanks to this declassification the key issue of licensing centers and spa tourism business is starting to be resolved , although bureucracy and practical issues in Lesvos still remain unsolved.

The above findings highlight the Lesvos and North Aegean islands' potential to play a prominent role by exploiting the unique natural wealth that remains today largely dormant, local North Aegean Newspaper emprosnet notes, showing the most attractive way to inspire visitors for all four seasons of the year. Talking especially of Lesvos , springs have been there, indeed, since ...eternity . In the island, which hosted the first Femalle BeautContests of the world since the seventh century BC, seven hot thermal springs offer their therapeutic power to the man's longevity and beauty, each one of which of differnt mineral composition. Also there are two Gulf in the island. The Gulf of Kalloni (meaning extreme Beauty) and the other one, also called since antiquity, Gera which means Aging (meaning the successful aging, apparently) On the coast of this Gulf, one of the most popular to visitors in Greece through last year Thermal Spa is found, the one mentioned above. An other one lies in Polychnitos area, on the South part, -close to the ruined by the recent earthquake village Vrisa- which water temperatures extreme the 90 celcius, and an other Thermal Spa found on the North of the island next to the picturisque village of Molyvos. Eftalou Thelmal , captured the New York Time columnist' s Liz A Derman attention on her report "On the Water: 10 Favorite Places on European Rivers, Lakes and Coastlines " fo a recently published article for NYT Travel , and while on Lesvos she gave it a try ... This is what it felt like.

photo: Yoga at the thermal springs of Eftaloum share Dipping a toe into the Eftalou hot springs on the northern tip of Lesbos island can take what seems like an eternity. Channeled into a superb communal bathhouse at the edge of the azure Aegean Sea, the thermal waters that well up are so sultry — between 109 and 115 degrees Fahrenheit — that visitors tend to slip into the enveloping heat inch by inch. Greeks have frequented this spot for centuries to soak up the therapeutic properties of the waters, which are rich with radium, chloride, sodium and other minerals said to ease arthritis and rheumatism. While Lesbos, as a volcanic island, has a number of natural thermal springs, Eftalou holds a unique perch next to a tranquil pebble beach with wind-sculpted lava formations. Visiting is easy from the nearby town of Molyvos, adorned with pretty stone houses set into the side of a steep hill and crowned by an old Genovese castle. After walking or taking a bus to the entrance to Eftalou, a path leads to a domed, whitewashed building where the communal hot bath is next to a more modern facility, where visitors can rent private bath tubs. Eftalou’s ritualistic endurance challenge involves soaking for a few minutes, or as long as you can stand it, then plunging directly into the bracing waters of the Aegean, and heading back to the thermal pool. The relaxation sets in after a few rounds, deepened by floating in the salty sea and looking across the horizon toward the purple mountains of Turkey, or gazing upward at the impossibly blue sky. When you’re done pampering yourself, it’s a short walk around a bend toward curving Golden Beach, where the waves might lull you into a peaceful nap, if you don’t give into the urge to snorkel. The nearby Eftalou Taverna serves excellent fried, stuffed zucchini flowers and fresh seafood. There you can sit as the orange sun sinks into the Aegean, and the lava rocks formed at the birth of the island cast shadows on the warm beach.

Relaxing at Therma Spa Mytilene Hot Springs in Lesvos, Greece.

2,500 meters below the surface of the earth the mineral rich water bubbles its way to the surface. It reaches the surface at 39.5 degrees Celsius or 103 degrees Fahrenheit close to the hot springs pools. On its way up a wide array of rocks enrich the water with therapeutic minerals.

From its source on the source its directed into the 2 hot springs pools of Therma Spa Mytilini. There are no chemical or mixes added, as its temperature is already prime for rejuvenating the body.

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