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The emerging Thermal Springs Wellness Trend in Greece

Posted by moodhacker on May 31, 2017 at 10:50 AM

Samothraki thermal spring since antiquity: According to tradition, Olympiad conceived here Alexander the Great in Therma. In modern age the Springs were built in 1981

The healing properties of thermal springs in Ancient Greece were associated with mythical deities, while the art of medicine was practised at asclepieia, where people with psychosomatic disorders were cured by priests. The pioneering work of Hippocrates, the father of rational medicine, played a crucial role in the development of hydrotherapy, as did Herodotus and the physician Galen, who recorded may cases in which thermal springs offered health benefit. There are 752 thermal and mineral springs all over Greece, which are the result of tectonic events or volcanic activity. They differ from ordinary springs due to their high temperature and the presence of rare active ingredients in the water.

Edipsos, in Evia Greece, known since ancient times a s therapeutic , mentioned also by Aritotel for its healing properties

Unique quality waters

According to the President of the Greek Thermal Academy , Konstantinos Kouskoukis, one of Greece's main advantages is its favourable bioclimate, with strong sunlight providing an additional means of treatment, as climatic and geological conditions of the environment combine with the valuable active elements of hot springs to produce benefits for physical, mental and spiritual health.

Greece comes first in Europe in quality and uniqueness of its natural healing resources, by 752 thermal springs, while the whole Europe counts 1200 active springs. But only 82 Thermal springs of the Greek land are today open to the public , of which just 38 are officially recognized for therapeutic indications and by the full list of contraindications. The therapeutical effects of the rest of hundreds natural spring waters remain unidentified due to lack of laboratory studies and the abscence of the State will.

Greece has also unlimited growth potential on creating prototype thalassotherapy centers due to the country’s vast coastline, professor Kouskoukis said, talking at the Health Tourism Conference in Ithaka , May 2017 "Health Tourism: Engine of the National Economy’s Growth &Turning Greece into a top touristic destination all year round", He presented the modern thalassotherapy therapies of Greece, attractive to foreign travelers in combination with the bioclimatic Greece;s advantage, Relaxation vacation programs and antiaging scientific designed programs which also gain travelers’ demand.

The therapeutic applications of Thermal Healing

For the most therapeutic applications of healing medicine, where thermal, MediSpa tourism is recommended, often, to the European insured travelers as complementary therapy prescription, the President of the Greek Academy for Thermal Medicine said they concern travelers with conditions such as:

• In diseases: musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular, haematopoietic, gastrointestinal, urological and endocrinological system

• In diseases: dermatological, gynecological, allergic, otorhinolaryngological and periodontal

• Medispa programs should be run In cooperation with assisted reproduction clinics, rehabilitation and hemodialysis centers

The academic Giorgos Kreatsas, Professor of Obstetrics– Gynecology in the University of Athens well known for his published research work in the international Gynecology and obetrics community described in his speech at the Ithaca Conference “Hydrotherapy. Prevention of maternity & gynecological problems”the positive results of hydrotherapy in clinical practice, especially in pregnancy , birth"Hydrotherapy as Complementary Medicine in pregnancy and gynecological diseases" in Ithaca, .

Professor Kreatsas, stressed the need for more research to be motivated by the state, and supported by the clinical and academic laboratories of Greece, that serves as the best bioclimatic geophysical source especially for water therapy programs.

The Beauty Of Kaimaktsalan, Greece


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