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Ready for Medical Tourism, Private Health Sector in Greece on best quality

Here are the reasons why Greece has attained such a high standard of medical care:

High standards of medical care

o Greeks always considered health an issue of particular importance. It was historically a top priority and they spent a good deal of money to preserve it.

o A large percentage of Greek doctors have worked abroad, in a variety of countries, and have acquired international experience, which they have brought back to their own country.

o In Greece, the medical sector is highly competitive. As a result, more and more is being invested in medical knowledge, machines, and hospital buildings and infrastructure.Under the financial crisis of the country the private sector maintained its high standards and quality on medical, scientifical, research and accommodation hospital services

o The standard of private Greek hospitals is high, firstly because of the high level of competitiveness, and secondly because Greece is a tourist destination and international insurance companies expect Greek hospitals to comply with the international standards in order to be able to hospitalise their clients.

For all the above reasons, Greece now finds itself among the top medical tourism destinations in the world. It is no surprise that countless people from all over come to Greece to receive medical treatment. In addition, Greece is located at the crossroads of Europe and the Middle East, which allows for easy access. This, in combination with the relatively low cost of medical services in Greece, has led an ever-increasing number of non-Greeks to seek hospitalization here.

It is no surprise that there are private hospitals whose patients are mostly non-Greeks and that the rate of repeat patients, in other words, the number of non-Greeks who received medical treatment in Greece on multiple occasions, is extremely high.


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