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Original Greek Wellbeing : Euphoria Healing Hotel inspired by Ancient Wellness Philosophy

. A Holistic Wellbeing Destination Spa in Mystras. Euphoria Retreat is the perfect place to relax, redefine the relationship between your mind and body and reinvent yourself. The hotel's holistic approach works as a process of transformation on all levels to achieve an enduring balance. The ultimate goal of this transformational process is what we can offer you – a state of euphoria, embracing the Ancient Greek concept of a blissful life. The Ancient Hellenic and Chinese civilisations observed the cosmos and human organisms and developed philosophies that in detail describe both. Most of the principles of these philosophies have been confirmed by today’s science. Euphoria Retreat’s concept stands on these two pillars of ancient wisdom, which describe how energy flows in our body and how the body is influenced by the cosmos, giving guidance that derives from thousands of years of experiences on how to live a euphoric and healthy life.

The wellbeing programs: Holistic by origins Modern evidence-based science provides clear answers on whether something is valuable or not, and gives information on a biochemical level regarding what is needed to support wellbeing – vitamins, minerals etc – and uses medicine to cure and set a safe basis for complementary and alternative medicine. In this way, Euphoria Retreat has developed wellbeing programmes that centre around the five elements of earth, fire, water, wood and metal and their related energies and emotions, with treatments designed to bring balance by addressing the three levels of existence (emotional, physical and spiritual). A variety of individually designed programmes includes signature retreats, mini retreats, wellness consultations and mental coaching, as well as a wide range of massage therapies, signature bodywork experiences, holistic healing practices, pampering face and body treatments, wellness coaching, and body and movement fitness activities that focus on bringing enduring harmony.

The Healing Hotels With extensive experience in wellness accommodation, Healing Hotels of the World group will cooperate with Greek entrepreneur Marina Efraimoglou for the opening in May of a wellness and healing retreat in Greece budgeted at 20 million euros. Situated among the foothills of Mt Taygetos in Mystras near Sparti, the Euphoria Retreat will consist of 45 rooms and suites as well as communal areas designed with the five Taoist elements – fire, earth, metal, water and wood – in mind and will offer wellbeing services, holistic treatments, alternative medicine, yoga, physical and mindfulness exercises. Based in Cologne, Germany, Healing Hotels of the World operates 98 hotels and retreats across the globe under its brand.

The dream come true by the hostess Speaking to Greek media , Efraimoglou said that Euphoria Retreat is the first such endeavor in Greece with plans to expand to other destinations, adding that alternative wellness tourism will contribute greatly to extending the tourism season as well as boosting revenue due to higher income visitors. “I am grateful for having been given the opportunity to make my dream come true and to be able to share my passion,” she said.


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