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Meet the unique aromas of medicinal plants of Greek countryside

Posted by moodhacker on March 18, 2018 at 11:30 AM

The Greek countryside is rich in aromatic and healing herbs, which are often more potent than their counterparts elsewhere due to the country's climate and soil conditions, ANA reports. "Most of the time Greek herbs contain a greater number of bioactive ingredients and this is due to soil conditions in Greece, which are suitable for the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants," said Petros Tsantilis, the President of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition and Professor of Organic Chemical Analysis of Natural Products at the Agricultural University of Athens, in an interview with the Athens-Macedonian News Agency. Up till now, there are roughly 5,500 recorded species of Greek flora, a number that rises to 6,200 if subspecies are added. Of these plants, about 950 species are endemic to the country, or even 1,150 if subspecies are included. A unique academic work of the UIniversity of Epirus professors provided an electronic database designed to provide information about the herbs of the region of Epirus, a land with wide diversity of medicinal plants.


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