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Greece the top country for flirt, exploring the art since ancient times

Posted by moodhacker on January 31, 2017 at 1:55 AM

On a worldwide survey on How Flirtatious A Country Is, Greece scored first according to the which presented the findings .

Not only has Athens been named the world's most flirtatious city, but Greece as a country was dubbed the most sexually active nation, the site reminds.

Dr. Simon Hardy, author of the journal article, The Greeks, Eroticism and Ourselves told the Telegraph that the Greeks may have perfected their flirting skills way back in the day during those ultra-sexual symposiums.

The British Academic said in ancient Athens the art of flirting was honed at drinking parties known as symposia, where men were entertained by dancing girls.

"It's probably fair to say that the Athenians perfected the art of flirtation in ancient times, especially at the time of symposia described by Plato

So, today, flirting and sexual banter are not just a means to an end but part of social interaction. You can play without having to take it too seriously." Dr Simon Hardy described the nwadays eroticism of Greeks

Obviously, they enjoy using these skills. They flirt more than any other people and have more sex than any other people and they basically invented rhetoric, which is pretty handy when trying to turn a "no" into a "yes."

Flirting comes naturally to some nationalities; so natural that they take it to the extreme, scaring away potential mates through boldness and bad behavior.

To identify these uninhibited nations, asked the online audience at Reddit and Quora for their stories.

In addition, statistics regarding online flirtations, sexual harassment, and sexual activity in general, were taken into account .

Countries were then ranked based on how aggressively they flirt.

Extra points were given to those countries where the women are also getting in on the action. Greece is the winner, on Number 1.

Here are the top 10

10. Russia

9. Dominican Republic

8. France

7. India

6. Spain

5. Colombia

4. Brazil

3. Egypt

2. Italy

1. Greece

In 2011 Athens had been named the Most flirtatious city in the world, by Moscow at number two on the list of nearly 200 cities around the world, while Rome took eighth place and Paris – synonymous with romance – managed only to rank 38th.

The study of flirtatious behaviour online was carried out by, which claims to be the world's largest social networking site for meeting new people.

The "World Flirtation League" study ranked cities by the number of online flirtations initiated per month by Badoo users.

The average Athenian initiated 25.7 online flirtations per month, more than twice as many as people in Rio de Janeiro or Prague and far more than in Paris, London, Berlin or New York.

"Athens is a seductive city, with a hedonistic lifestyle", said Victoria Kyriakopoulous, author of The Lonely Planet Encounter Guide to Athens


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