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Greece Fifth Most Romantic Destination in the World

Posted by moodhacker on May 22, 2017 at 6:05 PM

Virtuoso unveiled the results of a survey it did with Brides magazine on the top honeymoon destinations, resorts, cruise lines and all-inclusive brands. Brides developed the survey for the Virtuoso network of travel agencies and the results determined the winners of the annual Honeymoon Awards, which are unveiled in the June-July 2017 issue and on The awards recognize 200 winners in 19 different categories that together create a compendium of the world’s foremost honeymoon destinations, resorts, cruise lines, and all-inclusive brands. A group of Virtuoso travel advisors worldwide shared their opinions via a survey in January 2017.Romantic Destinations: According to the survey, the world’s 10 most romantic destinations in order are 1) French Polynesia 2) Italy 3) Hawaii 4) Maldives 5) Greece 6)Bali 7) Mexico Thailand 9) Fiji 10) South Africa. On a worldwide survey on How Flirtatious A Country Is, where Greece scored first . Not only has Athens been named the world's most flirtatious city, but Greece as a country was dubbed the most sexually active nation, according to the website who conducted the survey . Go to our earlier story Greece the top country for flirt. Learn Why


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