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Change your Brain in Greece! the Blue Space Effect

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Posted by moodhacker on July 13, 2016 at 8:25 PM

For those who might have wondered why Greece does immediately make us happy , the reasons are one by one identified and proved by science. Blue space effect is of the primary ones . And it's obvious. In sight and in practice It is the impact of the sea, rivers, lakes on our happiness and well-being that is referred to as blue space and is being more and more often researched nowadays by neuro-scientists and psychologists Looking at water and listening to its sound puts our overloaded minds into a relaxed and hypnotic-like state with the benefit of this being a different way that our brain processes thoughts, leading to more calm and creative states and an increase our well-being. Wallace J. Nichols, a marine biologist, has discussed and published the different ways bodies of water really can positively affect us and many psychologists have researched how just having blue space in front of you can boost your mental health.

  • Listen to the sound of waves, wherever in Greece

When we hear the crashing of waves by sea, it can actually put us into a mindful, mediative state. The sound of waves has been found to alter the brain’s wave patterns and invoking a meditative, relaxed state. Even simply observing the movement of water causes our minds to calm. This has numerous benefits for contributing to lowering depression, lowering stress levels, anxiety, and promotes better mental clarity and sleep patterns. Shelley Batts, Ph.D., an auditory neuroscientist at Stanford University and a presenter at the first Blue Mind Summit writes “There’s a lot of research that has parsed out what types of noise humans find pleasant and relaxing, and what types are considered noxious and stress-inducing”. The most relaxing and pleasant sounds to listen to are those that have predictable wave patterns. There is a stress hormone called cortisol. Some noises, such as traffic and airplane noise can cause this hormone to be released.The calming noise of the sea waves works to decrease cortisol levels.

  • The Flat Sea Surface Calms You

The flat plane of the sea surface seems to give us a sense of security and safety. Neuroscientist Michael Merzenich says that humans feel safe when they are in places that are not complex. In forest humans need to be weary of predator animals; in the cities there are crooks and villains to be wary of; however , at the beach we can see for miles and this gives us peace of mind. There are no potential threats to think about. “We’re constructed, neurologically, to normalize our environment—to bring it under our control,” Merzenich says. “When we look out to the sea, or we’re along the strand, we’re in a predictable, stable environment.”

  • Water Invokes Inspiration and Creativity

When we’re near water, our brains switch off from busy mode to relaxed mode. This naturally leads our brains to open up because it’s not focused on the millions of thoughts swirling around that can often lead to stress or anxiety. When your brain is in this relaxed state, it is open more to inspired and creative thoughts. In essence, we are switching our brains off or giving it a rest from the norm causing a better mental environment for insight and introspection.

  • Water Gives Us A Sense of Awe

Awe is an important factor in the recently popular science of positive psychology. The emotion of awe contributes greatly to our happiness because it not only allows us to be in the present moment but it causes us to think about our place in the world around us invoking a feeling of being humble, feelings of a connection to something beyond ourselves and the pure vastness of nature.

  • Water Is A Rich Source of Negative Ions

The effects of positive and negative ions on our well-being have been considered a natural influence on how we feel. Positive ions are emitted by electrical appliances such as computers, microwaves and hairdryers that drains us of our natural energy whereas negative ions are generated by waterfalls, oceans waves, and thunderstorms. The rich amount of negative ions in the atmosphere accelerate our ability to absorb oxygen, balance levels of seratonin (the chemical linked to mood and stress), and contributes towards rejuvenating the mind and improving alertness and concentration.

  • Water Increases The Benefits of Exercise

Exercising is obviously a good way to improve our mental well-being, however going for a run or walk by the ocean will increase these benefits ten fold. Going for a swim in a lake or cycling along a river trail will give you more of a mental boost than working out in a crowded city or gym environment. The idea is that being surrounded by blue space triggers a more positive benefit to exercising, with the intake of negative ions into our systems increasing.

  • Taking A Natural Dip

Not only does being near water increase your sense of well-being, but being submerged in a natural source of water such as the sea or a lake invigorates your body greatly. The differing temperatures add benefits from both sides – the natural, cold chill can provide a soothing treatment for your nerves and refresh the body both mentally and physically while warmer waters during the summer can help relax muscles and tensions. So, if you’re looking to clear your head, Restart and Refocus, search for some blue space , sciensts suggest . Undouptedly , we say. Come to Greece


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