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Athens Bike Network to Link City Center with the Coast

Posted by moodhacker on November 10, 2018 at 5:35 PM

From the city center to the coast, cycling lovers will be able to ride across Athens after municipal authorities announced that the city will soon have a complete bike network in place. The new bicycle route will connect with the existing Gazi-Faliro route and is set to go through the central Athens neighborhoods of Kypseli, Ambelokipi, Exarchia, Kolonaki and Petralona. The project aims to connect the central Athens network to the existing Gazi-Faliro circuit, a 7.5km route starting from the Faliro Delta through the neighborhoods of Moschato, Kallithea, Tavros and Petralona all the way to the Athens Technopolis. “The city is on the right track: We are moving ahead with plans to offer space to both the pedestrian and the cyclist, encouraging the use of environmentally friendly means of transport, while aiming to reduce the use of private cars,” said Athens Mayor Giorgos Kaminis. The Exarheia and Kolonaki lanes will go through the streets of Stournari, Arachovis, Solomou, Andrea Metaxa, Didotou, Navarinou, Skoufa, Solonos, Massalias, Iraklitou, Mavromichali and Zoodochou Pigis, linking the center with Alexandras Ave and eventually with Kifissias Ave. In the Kypseli area, roads to include cycling lanes are Michail Voda, Tritis Septemvriou, Agiou Meletiou and Epirou. The Athens Municipality is working together with the C40 network on the completion of the project under the guidance of the Vienna walking and cycling network. The project is part of the municipal authority’s ongoing city overhaul scheme, which also includes removing abandoned vehicles, cleaning up waste, freeing up public space, repairing benches, enhancing green spaces and clearing building facades. The program aims to transform Athens’ commercial center into a functional model with regulated public space, parking and vehicle traffic, catering hours and efficient waste management. In the meantime, the Attica Region is preparing to complete the Gazi-Kifissia route and eventually all courses will be interconnected.


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